Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Text summarization and Translation

Developed and deployed an end to end project using flask, where large articles are shortened to present the relevant and important information with text summarization technique using spacy library and the texts are translated from English to German using transformers.

Skills: Python, Spacy, Flask, Dockers

Automated Machine Learning Algorithms

Designed and developed end-to-end model on automating machine learning algorithms with Streamlit. Both classification and regression algorithms are used. Some of the basic EDA’s are also automated in the project.

Skills: Python, EDA, Viusualization, Streamlit, Logistic regression, Naive Bayes, Stochastic gradient descent, KNN, Decision tree, Random forest, SVM, Gradient boosting, XGboost, Linear regression, Lasso,

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Sign Language Gesture Prediction

Sign language gesture images are classified based on English
alphabets and Numbers built with Keras / TensorFlow using
Deep learning and Convolutional Neural Network concept

Skills: Python, Tensorflow, Keras, Convolutional Neural Network and Matplotlib